
Recent Press and Collaborations

Hello! Hope everyone reading is having a great summer. I wanted to share some info about some press coverage I've recently gotten about my solo album Lungfiddle, and Broadcloth's album In Stitches.

And below is a review from the NYC Jazz Record, which called it "a stunning achievement" in their June 2016 issue.

A limited run of "Lungfiddle" CDs, as well as an album stream, is available through my Bandcamp page! And the digital audio is available for purchase on iTunes and Amazon.

The NYC Jazz Record also reviewed Broadcloth's In Stitches in their May 2016 issue, calling the album "exacting, wry, and massive - well worth tuning an ear towards."

I also wanted to mention a few recent collaborations. I provided some keyboards for Demon Chauffeur's debut EP, "Spiritism". I also provided accordion, viola and backing vox for two tracks on Clara Engel's EP "Visitors are Allowed One Kiss". Finally, I provided instrumental tracks for two top secret covers by Jordaan Mason, forthcoming. These will be released on Jordaan's Bandcamp page in August!

Finally, take a look over at the sidebar for another seasonal update of my current performance schedule. Missed a couple early in July, but those will be added retroactively to the performance page. Hope to see you at an upcoming one! I'm very excited for the Caterwaul's night of music by Ennio Morricone, coming up July 27th at Best Video, in particular!